The Sun as a Landmark

Moving through the city the follies create awareness of the Sun

Landmarks. Landmarks are another type of point-reference, but in this case, the observer does not enter within them, they are external. They are usually a rather simply defined physical object: building, sign, store, or mountain. Their use involves the singling out of one element from a host of possibilities. Some landmarks are distant ones, typically seen from many angles and distances, over the tops of smaller elements, and used as radial references. They may be within the city or at such a distance that for all practical purposes they symbolize a constant direction. Such are isolated towers, golden domes, great hills. Even a mobile point, like the sun, whose motion is sufficiently slow and regular, may be employed. Other landmarks are primarily local, being visible only in restricted localities and from certain approaches. These are the innumerable signs, storefronts, trees, doorknobs, and other urban derail, which fill in the image of most observers. They have frequently used clues of identity and even of structure, and seem to be increasingly relied upon as a journey becomes more and more familiar
Kevin Lynch

The intention is to make an architectural gesture that promotes a reconnection with nature by using the sun as a landmark. Mcfarlane speaks about a disconnection to nature in language, by losing the vocabulary related to nature. “Why should this loss matter? […] It matters because language deficit leads to attention deficit. As we deplete our ability to denote and figure particular aspects of our places, our competence for understanding and imagining possible relationships with non-human nature is correspondingly depleted.” If architecture is a language, can this notion of connection and reconnection be applied to these fields and what would be the required vocabulary and meaning that could be held within our physical surroundings? The new concept of landmark consists of smaller landmarks and reference points that refer to the suns movement and thereby creating an awareness of the sun.

By using the solstice and equinox an awareness is also given to the seasons changing. The reference points are experienced in their singularity or as a route and thereby encouraging walking and exploring. The route and its navigation properties are communicated through the sun position and the related specific shadow.


  1. Kevin Lynch.The Image of the City’, MIT Press: (1960).
  2. Macfarlane, Robert. "The Word-hoard: Robert Macfarlane on Rewilding Our Language of Landscape." The Guardian. February 27, 2015. URL

Registrering my territory through photos. 1 photo every 4 steps.

5 views from 5 photos with anchor points. As I move around the anchor points change.

Fragments of Fløybanen

Fløybanehuset as fragments

Sun curves; tracking the sun with one hour interval

Sun tracking curve drawn out

Main folly generating smaller ones, fragments of the main